Course curriculum

  • 1

    1. Introduction to ASI's Standards Program

    • Getting Started

    • ASI Governance Overview

    • ASI Antitrust Compliance Policy

    • Core content: Introduction to ASI's Standards Program

    • Path to ASI Certification

    • Test your knowledge 1

  • 2

    2. Overview of the ASI Performance Standard

    • Getting Started

    • Core Content: ASI Performance Standard overview

    • Test your knowledge 2

  • 3

    3. Overview of the ASI Chain of Custody Standard

    • Getting Started

    • Core Content: ASI Chain of Custody

    • Core Content: ASI Chain of Custody Deep Dive

    • Test your knowledge 3

  • 4

    4. Certification Scope, Harmonisation & Audit Scope

    • Getting Started

    • Certification Scope

    • Harmonisation and Audit Scope

    • Test your knowledge 4

  • 5

    5. Conformance Evaluation

    • Getting Started

    • Core Content: Conformance Evaluation

    • Test your knowledge 5

  • 6

    6. Report Writing

    • Getting Started

    • Core Content: Report Writing

    • Test your knowledge 6

  • 7

    7. Objective Evidence, Interviewing and Sampling

    • Getting Started

    • Core Content: Objective Evidence

    • Test your knowledge 7

  • 8

    8. Maturity Ratings and Future Audits

    • Getting Started

    • Core Content: Maturity Ratings and Future Audits

    • Test your knowledge 8

  • 9

    9. Claims Guide

    • Getting Started

    • Core Content: ASI Claims Guide

    • Test your knowledge 9

  • 10

    10. Human Rights

    • Getting Started

    • ASI Performance Standard DEEP DIVE on Criterion 2.5 -- Human Rights Impact Assessment

    • Human Rights Due Diligence

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    Non-mandatory modules

    • The Aluminium Story: An overview of the aluminium value chain

    • Integrated Biodiversity Assessment Tool

    • Performance Standard Criteria 9.4: Free, Prior and Informed Consent

    • ASI conversationAl interviews: feedback from ASI stakeholders

    • Responsible Sourcing Toolkit

    • The Oversight Process

    • Standards Benchmarking and Harmonisation

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    Satisfaction survey

    • Welcome to this survey

    • Survey on the online Members Course